job promotions

You Are About to Learn the Secrets
to Getting the Job Promotions
You Deserve...

(Probably Better Not Mention This to the Boss!)

I'll Show You Step-by-Step How You Can Finally Win the Job Promotions You Deserve Even If...

  • You've Been Passed-Over Time and Time Again...
  • You Don't Have a Degree...
  • Your Company is Down-Sizing...
  • You're Not Part of the "Old-Boy Network"...
  • And Yes, Even If   Your Boss Doesn't Like You.

No Kidding!  You Don't Have to Leave Your Career, Personal, & Financial Success to Chance, (OR Someone Else's Whim!)  I'll Show You Everything You Need to Know to Win the Promotions You Want ... FASTER AND EASIER Than You Ever Thought Possible.

Click Here to Buy Now for Only $19.97 Bill Hanover - Author No Sucking-Up!
- Bill Hanover - (Introduction)
  • Child of God
  • Son of Sandy & Elmer
  • Husband to Lana
  • Father to Whitney, Daniel, Adam, Jared, Matthew, Emily, Spencer & Jason (Really ; - )
  • Loyal Friend to Many
  • Brother to All
  • Lean Manufacturing Consultant
  • Author/Career Coach
  • Grateful Citizen
  • Just Trying to do a Little Better Every Day
  • and many more...
Click HERE to Get Yours For Only $47.00 $29.97!

Fair Warning!: This is a Limited Time
"Recession Buster Discount!"
I Have Been Selling This Guide for $47.00
and WILL Raise the Price to at Least
$47.00 Again Very Soon.

Dear Friend,

"No Sucking-Up! How to Win the Job Promotions You Deserve."teaches good people powerful strategies you can use Right Now to win the job promotions you deserve without selling-out or sucking-up.

I know you probably aren't willing to suck-up or be a fake to get promoted anyway. Good for you! But, let's be really honest here, what is your plan? How will you get the promotions you really deserve? How will you get past those who might try to keep you down?

"If the best thing about your job is your vacation...
maybe it's time for a change."
Getting promoted isn't "rocket science," but just showing up and doing a good job isn't enough anymore. You really need an edge! Somehow you have to become the absolute best choice for the promotion you want...hands-down.

Giving you the tools you must have to succeed is really all I can do for you. And there is something you need to know right now; most people who get promoted were selected by management long before jobs "officially" opened-up or interviews began. If you're "the chosen one" the whole search process is mostly just a formality.

Knowing this... where do you stand right now?

Here's Just Some of What You'll Learn...
  • How to get your company to practically insist that you take a certain promotion…and, how they will gladly invest company funds to groom you for it!

  • One simple strategy that will set you apart from 99% of your co-workers.

  • The one place in your company where careers are really won and lost...Take advantage of this absolute "hot spot" and you'll reap the rewards while others are absolutely clueless.

  • How to get people to practically beg you to lead them…even if you have no legitimate authority! Work will never be the same again when you use these methods.

  • How "talking about you behind your back" is a good thing, and why you should encourage it!

  • "Top Secret" and "Highly Confidential" information your boss wants to tell you…BUT, only if you can be completely trusted…knowing this info almost always means you are being prepared for the next level.

  • Get paid to THINK when everybody else is just putting in their time. You'll learn how to turn the worst jobs into the biggest and best opportunities.

  • Why 90% of your competitors fail to do this one thing that is just basic and how you can turn it into an incredible asset.

  • How to (almost effortlessly) recruit so many allies that you become the Only and Completely Obvious Choice for the next big promotion.

  • Forget book learning…the "education" you must have to be the most qualified even if others have degrees and you never made it past the fourth grade!

  • One remarkable technique you can use right now to "think like a CEO" and change how everyone sees you…You'll raise your status almost instantly with co-workers and bosses alike!

  • What you ABSOLUTELY MUST DO or you are STUCK right where you are! No kidding, you aren't going anywhere if you don't take care of this first.

  • How to get your boss to ask you for constructive criticism…you'll have to be careful with this one, but it will establish you as an authority and trusted colleague with bosses way over your head.

  • Who the real power brokers are in most every company…you really need to get to know these folks and treat them right or you are DOOMED! You may be surprised who really holds the power in your workplace.

  • How you can start doing the job you want long before the position even opens up…it's amazing how far you can go with this. Do this right and getting the "title" will just be a technicality.

  • How to be seen as a "Great Investment" and why any boss would be willing to fight to have you in their department.

  • How the "80 / 20 Rule" can work to your advantage and how you can even harness the power of the "slackers" to help you succeed.

  • How to get your boss (and his or her colleagues) asking you for advice and opinions on secret issues and big decisions.

  • Learn how your company's competitors can spring-board you into senior positions.

  • Where to find critical and timely insider information... and how to hear about it before anyone else does.
  • How "faking it" will cost the phonies dearly, and give you a huge advantage!

So, How Did I Learn All of This Stuff About Getting Promoted?

Well, for 15 years I worked for other people and was either promoted or turned down promotions at almost every job I ever had. That's not bragging, that's just the facts.

During the last 13 years I've been self-employed as a management consultant and traveled the country helping dozens of different companies improve their businesses. That has been a real learning experience to say the least.

In my travels I worked with more than 400 bosses and learned how and why they promote people and maybe just as importantly, why they pass others by.

These experiences taught me the keys to getting promoted and getting ahead in any job and I want to share them with you.

"It's not your father's company, things have changed, and how promotions are earned has also changed; BIG TIME!"
Some bosses I've worked with were great, many were just so-so, and others were just plain crazy! There were even a couple who should have been locked-up. Seriously! Fortunately, all of them taught me what really matters when it comes to getting promoted, even the crazy ones!

You probably already know a few of the basic strategies so they will just be good refreshers for you. On the other hand, some of the more advanced methods and ideas just might surprise you, (they surprised me.)

"I used just a few of the techniques from this book, and got an excellent review... And created my own promotion! This stuff really works!"

Jack H. - Orlando Florida
(UPDATE: Now A Business Owner)

"I have to (do something) or continue to wither away in this office chair. And that's not me! I will keep you posted, and thanks so much for your guidance and support."

Judy N. - Ohio
(UPDATE: Moved to a much better position in a new company)

"Bottom line is this chapter will help people think more about the big picture of promotions, rather than focusing only on the job itself."

Al - Idaho
(An HR Director commenting on the Free Chapter)

"No Sucking-Up, How to Win the Job Promotions You Deserve," is the most comprehensive "road map" to success that no one should be without. It clearly lays out what everyone, who is looking to move up in their company, needs to know from the questions they should be asking themselves to an exact plan of action.

I also found it to be very useful for those already in managerial positions, to be able to mentor their staff through the process of advancement. Bill Hanover writes in a style that is conversational, easily understood, and adds just the right amount of humor. As a business consultant, I find his ebook valuable in my work with companies who are experiencing conflict due to an ineffective advancement plan within the corporate structure. It's a must have!"

Judith M. - CA.
(Judith Munson, CEO, Inside the Workplace)

"This book is really good! It is a take no prisoners and make no excuses book that tells people exactly what they need to know (and do) to get promoted. I highly recommend it!"

Mark C. - Utah
(General Manager, - Aerospace Products Manufacturer)

Here's a Little More of What You'll Learn...
  • Six things your boss "MUST HAVE" or you can forget about a promotion.

  • Even more important than your immediate boss…show this person your competence and even your boss won't be able to praise you enough!

  • How to be the "perceived leader" even if you're not in charge of anything more than your own pencil sharpener.

  • Who you absolutely must tap for insider information…these gatekeepers can make or brake entire careers with a single nod!

  • Using email as a promotion-winning tool… this really works!

  • The best possible action to take when someone has failed at a task or somehow fallen down on the job…and it isn't move in for the kill.

  • How to get your co-workers to ask, suggest, and even plead with bosses that you get a certain promotion…and why they will do it without even being asked.

  • How to write your own performance reviews that not a single person could possibly argue with.

  • Why you should consider the "Rule of Halves" when getting a degree or taking another route to the promotion you want...The math just might be in your favor!

  • The best ways to use outside consultants and contractors to propel you to a new level…it's much easier than you might think... This is a powerful strategy that I have used to help people advance very quickly.

  • How "sister companies" can play an important role in your advancement…Once you tap into this option there may be no looking back.

  • "Special Ops" Your company needs you, do it for your country (company) and why you may need to go "under cover" or way out of your "normal duties" to win promotions.

  • How to never again waste your time "barking up the wrong tree" and how to tell which tree is worth barking at.

  • How your "extra curricular activities" can amount to big promotions (or kill your chances,) You need to know the truth.

  • There is a team of experts inside most companies who is looking for people to promote…know who they are and what they do and you will have an incredible group of "promotion green berets" helping you every step of the way.

  • 12 ways you can "Save the Day in a Thousand Little Ways" that will make you a hero among your co-workers.

  • How you can tune-in your "crystal ball" in ways that give your company a serious advantage over your competition.

  • A few steps you can take when emotions run high to diffuse a bad situation and solve problems like a seasoned leader…and everyone will thank you for it.

  • How to become virtually "INDISPENSABLE!"

  • The #1 thing you can give away day in and day out that will come back to you many times over.

  • 6 key characteristics of becoming a "Go-To Person" and how you can cultivate this role to serve yourself, your co-workers, and your bosses.

Click HERE to Get Yours For Only $47.00 $29.97!

Here's a Sneak-Peek at a Few Chapters

(I've added a little note under the chapter titles so you can get some sense of the information we'll cover.)
  • Chpt. 1
    This chapter really lays it on the line. You don't want promotions you haven't earned. Trust me on this one.

  • Chpt. 4
    In this chapter we'll go through a little self-examination and take a look at what might work best for you personally.

  • Chpt. 6
    Consider this a free tip. In many cases you'll have to prepare someone to take your place before you can move up the ladder; otherwise you are STUCK!

    This chapter helps people who can't stand the thought of formal education , but really want to climb up the ranks anyway. It can be done!

  • Chpt. 10
    Here you'll find some techniques for being "in charge by popular demand" even if you're just one of the team with no official leadership role or title.

  • Chpt. 14
    No one is completely indispensable but you can get pretty darn close. This chapter will also teach you how to keep your job during lay-offs.

  • Chpt. 17
    This one concept can propel almost anyone to a leadership position.

  • Chpt. 20
    Hey, sometimes it happens. Now what do you do? New doors will open; you just have to know where to look.

  • Chpt. 21
    This chapter is a potpourri of great advice and actual strategies that have worked for bosses across the country. All of these tips have worked for others and they can work for you too.

  • 22 - CONCLUSION p.230
    Just wrapping things up and slapping you on the rear for good luck! -- In a very non-threatening and non-sexual way I might add ; - )
You'll Also Get These Free Bonuses...

How to find jobs bonus 1FREE BONUS GUIDE #1:
Yeah, this is a freebie to help you be aware of all the resources out there if you ever really need to find a new job FAST.

Some of What You'll Learn:

  • How major layoffs actually CREATE jobs and the techniques you can use to get in the door, when so many seem to be walking out that same door…It's crazy how this works, but it does…over and over again!

  • Free job info you can find 7 days a week 365 days a year that might surprise you…and it's all you really need to get going right now.

  • How a little confidence and a clipboard can get you serious insider info…We're talking "007 style" operations here!

  • Why your local college or university should be high on your list as a job resource.

  • Amen to that! Your local religious congregation can help you more than you probably know when it comes to finding jobs and getting interviews.

  • Some great strategies on how you can leverage your past employers to get a new job fast.

  • How to spot completely un-advertised openings at companies all around you, and what to do once you find them…you'll have a real "ah ha" moment when you learn these powerful methods!

  • Why you should consider spending some "quality time" in a company's parking lot…You won't believe the kind of information you'll get and the "insider connections" you can make!

  • One method for getting hired that almost no one does…and why it is almost certain to win you the job while totally wiping out the competition.

  • 3 weeks worth of reasons you should be persistent even when they tell you "Sorry, we're not hiring." This is one of many techniques that I have personally used that really changed my life.

Communication Skills Bonus 2FREE BONUS GUIDE #2:
OK, one last freebie. Improving your communication skills can really have a positive impact on your whole life...REALLY!

Some of What You'll Learn:

  • 4 ways to be understood at work and home…a few simple skills and a little practice and people will think you're some kind of genius! (In complete honesty; the reason they'll think you're so smart is because "you understand them!")

  • How to clarify what you are saying so people really "get it."

  • How to get people who like to hear themselves talk to finally shut-up! Not only that, they'll actually feel like you're the only person who really understands them.

  • How to get someone to tell you the truth, and what they are really thinking when they are trying to hide something from you….

  • How to manage a conversation with several people at once without letting it get out of control…and your team will thank you for it!

  • A few simple things you can do to keep someone talking (about anything,) even if they are usually shy and withdrawn.

  • Let's just get to the point already! You can dramatically reduce the time spent in long-drawn-out meetings using just this one tool…No more sitting in meetings wishing for "the sweet release of death!" ; - )
    I'll bet you know what I'm talking about!

Straight Talk & Solid Advice...

There's No Hype and No Exaggerated Claims. No Sucking-Up! presents straightforward advice and strategies based on what has worked before and creative techniques you can start using right now to win the promotions you deserve.

Of course I can't promise that you'll be promoted, that would be dishonest and frankly, not believable. I can, however, promise that if you use the methods outlined in this guide you will become a very tough competitor with a real shot at winning the promotions you want.

The truth is, in today's companies you can't sit back and wait for promotions to "just happen." Sometimes they do, but more often than not you have to focus on the right things and take action if you're going to have any chance at being promoted.

It stinks watching others pass you by! You'll need to prepare today for great opportunities or even create your own promotions. So much of where you go from here is completely up to you.

So What Do You Expect From Your Next Promotion Anyway?

More Money For a Car, Home, or Something Special

Better Benefits or "Perks"

Finally Getting the Respect You Deserve

Having the Authority to Make Needed Changes

Better Hours & More Time at Home

Working With a Better Boss

A Great Title and a Corner Office

Just Hoping to Get Out of a Rut

A Change of Scenery With New Co-workers

A Fantastic Retirement Package

A More Challenging & Exciting Workday

What Would a Great Promotion Mean to You?
All of these and many more benefits are certainly possible, but maybe it just comes down to this: getting promoted means earning more Money, gaining the Respect you deserve, and having a Better Job.

Whether its a couple of bucks an hour or thousands more every year, you owe it to yourself to achieve your dream job and reach your highest career and financial goals.

Feel the Burn!   Here's Even More You'll Learn...
  • How to almost guarantee that you'll be among the last people out the door if your company ever shuts down…These same techniques are some of the "meat" of how you get promoted.

  • A small "quiz" that will tell you where you stand in your company…the answers will show you what your odds are for being promoted anytime in the near future.

  • Learn how you can keep someone interested in you by listening to them.

  • Free workplace publicity…it's right under your nose and incredibly powerful. Tap into this system and you'll find raving fans wanting to align themselves with you at every level.

  • There is so much you can do "BEYOND NETWORKING" that you don't dare miss these opportunities!

  • The tools you need to use "Active References" and why they can either seal the deal or kill the deal…you must know how to use this strategy wisely and judiciously.

  • How to tap into a "smarter version of you" when you really need expertise beyond what you have…it sounds a bit strange, but you can become a genius in under a minute when the pressure is on…Really!

  • "Senior Director of Blah, Blah, Blah…" Get the title that gets the results you want.

  • Learn who your "real customers" are and what they need and how you can become indispensable to them…they'll even make sure you're the last to go if the entire company shuts down.

  • How you can train your boss and co-workers to do their jobs without looking like a suck-up or insulting anyone…and yes, they'll even sincerely thank you for the help!

  • How to become a natural fit with the "in-crowd" and how just like high school, it can propel your status among your peers and bosses…no pimple cream required though ; - )

  • Ok, this may sound strange to you, but LOVE might play a huge role in your success at work…trust me on this one, you'll want to learn how genuine love can raise the bar for everyone and earn you great rewards. I promise there is no manipulation suggested or encouraged here; just genuine love.

  • If you're going to "run with the wolves," you'd better be comfortable around "wolves." You'll learn several ways to be comfortable in any setting and even a few ways that you can tame the "wolves" for everyone's sake.

  • 3 words that really make the world go' round, and how you can build some serious clout using them.

  • What you can do for the "stinky guy" at work that will pay huge dividends!

  • Job security is a fallacy! I'll tell you some things you really should do to protect yourself and your family from fickle companies that have a "use 'em and lose 'em" mentality.

  • You need to know the special circumstances of getting promoted in family run businesses. There is a fine line you must walk if you don't share the genes that cannot be crossed, and will make all the difference.

  • Using the "promotion as ultimatum" technique can be quite a gamble, and in most cases should be a last resort…you'll want to do these things first!

  • Alright, there are some ethical, but, "hard-ball" tactics you can use if you're stuck and really can't seem to get any sort of promotion…be extremely careful with these as they could also cost you your job. Don't say I didn't warn you!

  • Do this one thing to your boss and you might as well start looking for a new job or a transfer to a different department…what you absolutely must know before you go too far!

  • A few simple steps you can take to make your work more interesting and exciting for everyone in your company…it's much easier than you might think.

I Know You Want A Great Deal!

For Less Than $47.00 $30 Bucks you can learn what I've found out about getting promoted over the last 25 years from bosses who are probably a lot like yours... (well, maybe not completely insane, annoying, or incompetent, but close! ; - )

OK, there are some really terrific bosses out there also!

You already know that a single promotion could earn you another 5, 10, even $20,000 or more every year. That's not bad for an investment of less than $47.00 $30 bucks!

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That means you have a full 60-days to read the e-book and apply what you've learned.

Try it out, and THEN decide if No Sucking-Up! was worth the small investment. If you're not happy with it for any reason I’ll personally send your refund no questions asked.

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"Sometimes Just Believing You Can Do It Is Half the Battle!"

You can download No Sucking-Up! right now, 24 hours a day (completely risk-free) for only $47.00 $29.97 and have the right tools to finally win your dream job.

A Great Promotion Can Change Your Life!!!

Purchase No Sucking-Up Now
Win the Job Promotions You Deserve
To Your Continued Success!
career advancement
Bill Hanover

P.S.This Guide is an Instant Download so you can get started right now...24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

P.P.S.I've put heart and soul into this guide so if you're not happy with it for any reason, I'll personally make sure you get your money back - no questions asked.

P.P.P.S.If you are completely broke and out of work, send me an email and I'll send you a copy of the entire guide as well as the bonus sections ABSOLUTELY FREE! We're all in this together!

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